Why I Blog and Why it Matters to You
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You might be wondering why I created this blog and why it should matter to you. So here’s the insider information! The peek behind the curtain, if you will, into my heart. I want you to have a place to consistently come and nurture the belief that God is with you and has a plan for you. But there’s more….. I don’t want to encourage you to just survive another day. I want you to break free of whatever has been holding you back. I live for the moments when I see people have breakthroughs that change the rest of their life. (Whether it is immediate or slowly over time; but there is a marked change in direction and perspective.) I want that for you and everyone. That is my biggest drive to keep writing to encouraging you.
I love to encourage people to overcome their situation. I never really saw it as a gift from God until recently. I let the encouragement I wanted to give swirl around in my own head; often without the courage to put it into action. I am pretty shy by nature, so it isn’t my first tendency to reach out and share. However, several times I have felt convicted to call or text someone and when I did, it was the EXACT moment they needed encouragement. They were walking into the hospital, their husband had just walked out, etc. All I did was simply obey. There are more times than I can count where I did not listen and do what God led me to, but I am a work in progress as we all are. Maybe this is one of the reasons I am here writing, because I don’t want to miss out on those opportunities anymore.
I truly feel like God puts things on my heart to encourage others and I literally can’t think straight until I do. Maybe it is helping to change a wrong perspective. Perhaps it is convincing you how capable or strong you are. It could be as simple as a hug (although I’m not a hugger by nature). Maybe it is sharing my testimony to let you know someone else made it through the storm you are in the middle of. A scripture to hold onto through a trial. I just simply share whatever encouragement God puts on my heart. It only takes a little encouragement to change a lot. Simply put…hope. A little hope goes a VERY long way.
My hope is that you realize why God created you and the special talents he gave you to do what only YOU can do in this world. That you see yourself as God’s perfect creation. Maybe take a moment to think about what God has gifted YOU with. If your answer is nothing, you are so VERY wrong my friend! Quit the thoughts that make you feel inferior. Flip the lens to God’s perspective. If you are emotional, then you feel deeply. If you get distracted in your thoughts, he created you to be a deep thinker. If you are overwhelmed by other’s hardships, you are compassionate. You get the idea, flip your perspective. (Read Change Your Perspective for more insight.) It really is remarkable how differently God has gifted each of us and he has a distinct purpose in mind for each of our lives.
Encouragement and hope is a very valuable commodity and I pray this is a place that you can come to find it in the midst of a world that doesn’t always offer enough of it. Often our world is so negative, divided and judgmental. It’s not like we need the world to be discouraging because there is typically already enough negative self talk inside our own head! I hope a little encouragement can help you break out of discouragement and grab hold of your divine purpose! God created you more than capable and HE equipped you with the gifts to make it possible.
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3 thoughts on “Why I Blog and Why it Matters to You”
Thank you SO MUCH for your kind words!
Thank you SO MUCH for your kind words! I hope you continue to find encouragement here!
I believe you are truly blessed with the gift of encouragement. Your words give me pause to think and lift me up spiritually each time I read them. Thank you so very much. Keep up the good works.