Faith for the impossible
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It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased ― C.S. Lewis The Weight of Glory, and Other Addresses
I often think this is exactly true. Do we think so little of God that we think he would only bless us with mud pies? We pray weak prayers and have shallow dreams. If we actually believed the triumphant stories of the Bible it is a wonder how this could possibly result in shallow faith! There are insurmountable trials in the verses of the Bible that end in victory, so why do we stop at such trivial requests as a closer parking spot? Trust me I am all about giving God glory for every blessing. However, it would seem sometimes that our highest hope for answered prayer is so pathetic that it would sadden God’s heart because he has SO MUCH more for us.
I want to have a faith where the impossible seems reasonable. -Kris Vallotton
This is the kind of faith we should all strive for where we TRULY believe that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE WITH GOD.
Matthew 19:26
With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible
Luke 1:37
For nothing will be impossible with God
Mark 10:27
With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
I think you get the point! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD. Why do we limit God? Why do we put God in a box? Why do we “let” him help us with our plans instead of giving ourselves and our prayers fully over to him to lead our life and use us for what HE created us for? It seems that we truly are happier making mud pies in the dump when he has MUCH bigger plans for our lives. After all he CREATED us! I’m pretty sure it wasn’t for mere daily survival or to be content playing in the mud. It’s time we took down the walls holding us back, broke off the shackles of doubt, cried out in prayer and surrendered our life to him. Every area of our life: marriage, family, finances, work, ministry, etc. EVERY area of our life.
John 8:36
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
I used to think that I was running full speed after God and that when my days were up I would slide into heaven sideways as if crossing home plate after hitting a home run. I would not have wasted one second, having done everything he layed before me to accomplish here on Earth. However, recently the idea has been heavy on my mind that when I finally stand before God, he would show me the plans HE had for me that I did NOT fulfull because I didn’t trust in him, I didn’t run after him, I was too timid to pursue, etc. The thought that I am only experiencing a “snipet” of what he has me here for is something that weighs really heavy on my soul. It’s gotten me a little fired up that I need to surrender my fears before the Lord and walk in what he reveals to me.
Rarely is it my plan that God allows me to pursue, it is usually a spark in me that then takes a 90 degree turn in a different direction. Often I am left standing saying “Wait! But! I wanted to go here!”, meanwhile I know God is leading me to something more important to fulfill his purposes. I am not urging you to run before God and take on the world without his presence. I am encouraging you to pray and be led, there is a big difference let me tell you. I often fill a need I see without praying and seeking God’s guidance and it often leads to ridiculousness on my part. It becomes clear real fast that this was me and not God, but then my codependent nature keeps me stuck in my new unproductive commitment. It is a path I encourage you to avoid. God’s plan is always better than our plan….even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment. Who are we to question God’s plan?!?
Proverbs 16:9
In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.
Today I encourage you to pray into what God actually purposed you for here on Earth and with his guidance GET AFTER IT! God created each of us for incredible and unique purposes that often seem to be beyond anything we would have ever imagined. If anything is possible with God, then we need to think bigger, remove fear, expand our vision and pray for God’s direction. Let’s live a life that we don’t look back at our mud pies and wonder what else we might have been able to accomplish for God if we had only been a little less pleased with the mundane. Let’s shine God’s light on this world in a way that those around us will never be the same!
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One thought on “Faith for the impossible”
I remember mud pies and miss the simpilar days of yesteryear, sometimes. I am so grateful you are back in the saddle, I’ve missed your encouraging words. Turning to God in all things has become a way of life for me and I’m sure it was He who made sure I was ok before I came to Him. Being reminded of that with your words is very encourging to say the least. Keeping it real, I can count on that with you. Thank you, welcome back.